Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 3 Tardy or not tardy?

After having such issues with turning in my attendance on time yesterday, I could hardly sleep worrying about whether the computer version of attendance would really work. Armed with my Starbucks coffee and a bottle of Tums, I entered my classroom and turned on the computer in preparation for the day. By 8:15 AM I had taken attendance for my class and had no problems from my computer. We had only one student absent and the electronic version of attendance worked with flying colors. I was in the swing of my science lesson when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find my student with a tardy slip in hand. I read the reason for tardy "bus situation." Surely this sweet student of mine wasn't involved in a fight on the bus on the third morning of school, so I felt the need to inquire about this.

"What bus situation did you have?" I said. He looked into my eyes and said, "I wound up at the high school." Usually I am known as the compassionate teacher, the consoling one, or even the cheerleader, but I started laughing. I asked him, "So when exactly did you determine you were on the wrong bus?' He answered, "When I got to the high school, I figured it out." Well that certainly didn't help curtail my laughing because at that point I became hysterical with tears streaming down my face. My poor student went to high school and sat in the office until another bus picked him up and gave him a ride to the correct school. I went next door to my teaching partner to ask, "So...he's no longer absent, but is he really tardy? He was at school on time...just not the right school!" I went to my desk and got my fluffy rolling teacher chair. I said to the kid, "Anyone that starts their day like you did AND makes me laugh that hard gets to sit in the teacher chair." He smiled and we continued with class.

So, my attendance was on time, but the absent student was tardy or not really tardy. Because of all of this, does that make my attendance tardy again? That is a question for another day.

1 comment:

  1. That was just waaaaaaaay to funny!
    Terri Litton
