Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

It was 2:00 AM when I last checked the clock anticipating the start of school. I don't know if it was nerves, eagerness, anticipation, or just dreading the end of a perfect summer. I knew it would definitely be a Starbucks morning. One Venti Vanilla Latte with some Half & Half and I would be ready for just about anything. I arrived in the parking lot at 7:20 AM and already a sea of ants were swarming the school. The Paparazzi Parents were in full swing with bug-eyed children in tow. It was a mix of divas and independents. The divas had the perfect hair, the outfit that matched the backpack, and the sparkling school supplies. The independents just showed up. These are the ones I especially felt sorry for because their parents hadn't purchased their school supplies and they were wearing the same clothes they were wearing yesterday or the day before that. However, they were smiling....they were ALL smiling! I wasn't officially on the clock and yet by 7:30 AM my entire class was present and ready to roll. I had only managed a sip of my Starbucks and so was operating at BC..."before coffee" mode. Fortunately I had been blessed with two teacher interns this year. Fortunately, I knew every student by name because I taught them when they were 4th graders. The students and parents already knew what to expect from me. I had been deemed the "fun teacher" that was strict. I'm still wondering how one can be strict and fun at the same time. All in all, I had a great day, but my feet hurt and exhaustion from lack of sleep are at the forefront of my mind. This is certainly going to be an interesting year.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I can't wait to find out what happens in the days to come. Have a great school year!
