Monday, September 28, 2009

Heads Down Thumbs Up

It was the perfect class with my "try-harders" class. They worked hard and we finished the review for the 6-weeks exam in record time. They even out-performed my Pre-Advanced Placement Science class. They were quietly focused on the task at hand. Even though I had created a Science Review in a computer game format of Jeopardy, the "try-harders" were totally engaged in the activity.

It was a Friday afternoon and I sensed that they were "done". They had given me all they could and had been as good as they could possibly be for as long as they could. I announced, "Heads down, thumbs up!" They complied quickly by hiding their eyes and putting up their thumbs. I scurried about and pushed down four thumbs. I said, "Heads up, stand up" which indicated to the chosen few to stand up and guess who selected them. I called on the first child and said, "Okay, who picked you?" She looked at me and then looked around the room so puzzled and shyly said, "You?" I said, "Correct!" I called on the second child and said, "Who picked you?" The child laughed and said, "Uh, You!" I laughed and said, "Correct." Then we played a few rounds of "Heads Down, Thumbs Up." When we were just about out of time at the end of the period, I ran around the room when all of the heads were down and selected everyone. No one figured out that there were too many people standing up for the game instead of the four kids who should have been selected. I chuckled and said, "Surprise, it's time to change classes!" Class had flown by and the students couldn't believe it was time to go.

I love being a teacher especially when I get to be a kid and play, too. I especially loved hearing, "I can't believe we have to leave Science class."

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