Monday, September 28, 2009

Rescue Ranger

After a six weeks of spending a great deal of time focusing on safety in the home and safety in the lab, I was excited to hear that something I taught actually sunk in to the brain. During the weekend some of my students were playing ball and it rolled into the street. Barney ran to go get the ball. Felix said, "He looked both ways before he crossed the street, but you know, there's no saying about 'look both ways on the way back across the street and that's what got him."

"Oh my goodness," I said, "what happened to Barney." Felix said, "He was fine on the way across the street, but he didn't look on the way back and a car hit him. I carried him to Frankie's house." Frankie interjected, "I thought they were playing, but that's when I saw his leg and said, 'whoa dude.' I asked, "What did you do?" Frankie and Felix started talking at the same time, but Frankie loudly said, "I knew to just pick up the phone and call 9-1-1." "Wait a minute," I said, "you dialed for help? What made you decide to do that?" Frankie said, "Because that's all I've heard you talk about since school started." I thought to myself, "Wow! He really was listening in between his weird remarks and sleeping in class." Most kids hear about calling 9-1-1, but many of them don't call for fear they shouldn't bother the emergency services. As an EMT, I've seen first hand where the call was delayed due to people being cautious about making the call. I have preached to my students, "give the guys something to do...they are bored and they just live for the sirens to go off." Of all the kids to call for help, I wouldn't have been betting on Frankie. "Did the accident happen right outside of your house," I asked. That was when Feliex couldn't hold it any longer, "No! I threw Barney over my shoulder and ran to Frankie's house." My mouth dropped open. "Why did you move him?" Felix said, "No one was around and the car had left, so I knew he needed help." He continued, "The cops came and so did the ambulance. The cops took me to go get Barney's parents and then the ambulance left for the hospital. He is messed up." I asked, "Is Barney okay?" Felix said, "Oh yes, but he's not coming to school for a couple of weeks because he's in a body cast. The cops kept saying I was a hero, but really I just did what he would do for me. The cops took me to my house and my mom thought I was in trouble, but then she was glad." I said, "I guess she was. You certainly did the right thing. You are a hero. You are both heroes for doing the right thing." I certainly am glad they were listening in science class to dial 9-1-1 and let the police or fire departments decide if it's serious or not.

I just love my "try-harders" class. They surprise me just about everyday!

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