Friday, September 11, 2009

Stuck in Science

I was in the middle of science class talking about when to use bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts when this sixth grade boy consistently was misbehaving. I can't stand to teach the back of a kid's head. I used every behavior management technique I could think of, but nothing was working with Ricky. I was having to stay put giving extra attention to the child in a wheelchair and a little girl that needed a bunch of extra help. Normally, I would have kept teaching and walked over to the kid's desk, but I simply needed to be the hands for the child in the wheelchair. I was in the middle of giving instructions when I saw Ricky tugging his arm. My room has some interesting furniture built out of cardboard tubing. Everyone wants to sit in these chairs and kids of all ages are simply fascinated by them. The Destination Imagination team from a couple of years ago built them as props entirely out of cardboard. They are sturdy enough for an adult to stand on. Ricky thrust his hand inside the tubing and got stuck. He finally stood up to get his hand free. It's one of those times that you just have to laugh. I laughed so hard I almost cried. The funny thing is that I'm certain he is destined to be a future President.

Sometimes life is like cardboard tubing. You just have to go through the tunnel just to investigate. In the end, you have to stand-up and refocus.

Disclaimer: The names of children have been changed to my favorite TV characters from my youth.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for telling me about your blog! I read every word! Hope we get to play again someday soon...& I hope next time I'm not going to lose so badly! It was fun, thanks!

