Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's Great to be the Queen of Science

I was on recess duty today and I asked Samantha, "Did you draw the reading teacher a picture and leave it on her door?" Samantha was a little girl I have watched grow up since she was in first grade at our school. She has captured the hearts of every teacher in our school. Samantha has struggled to learn her letters, numbers, or how to read. Despite our best efforts we are puzzled why Samantha has had such a hard time learning. Even still, she perseveres and tries hard every day. I will be in the middle of teaching and Samantha will get up out of her chair for no apparent reason and give me a hug. When she was in first grade she looked up at her teacher and said, "You're the queen. I'm the princess. Princess Samantha," she would say. The reading teacher had come up to me earlier in the day and showed me a crayon-colored picture that was shoved in the cracks in her door. It was a picture of the teacher holding the hands of a student. Both of the figures had crowns on their heads. I said, "Aren't you Samantha's reading teacher?" She shook her head and I knew she had been deemed Queen for the Day.

"Samantha," I said, "was that a picture of the reading teacher being queen?" Samantha smiled and said, "Yes, she's the queen and I'm the princess." I said, "I thought I was the queen. I'm even wearing a shirt that says 'Her Highness' on it." Samantha's little mind started scrambling for what to do, because she didn't want to hurt my feelings. I let her off the hook quickly, "Am I the Queen of Science?" A huge smile spread across her face, "That's right! You're the Queen of Science and she's the Queen of Reading." I said, "And you ARE the princess!"

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