Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oozing Brains

After a long day of taking a standardized test, my class had brain matter oozing out everywhere. I noticed an excessive amount of snot and a fascination with tissues to kill time in between tests. The pencil sharpener took a hit with every yellow #2 pencil having been sharpened into toothpicks. I knew better than to try to teach a new concept...my kids were not in the mood for learning. Unfortunately, we still had time left in our day.

Thank goodness for the Fire Prevention Posters. Each year students make a poster about Fire Safety and the halls are adorned with the artwork in October during National Fire Safety Week. One little girl turned to me and said, "I can't draw. Do I have to be in the contest?"

It reminded me of the time when my parents were having friends over for dinner. Dinner was taking a little longer than normal and my mom needed a distraction to stall for dinner. "Young lady," she said, "Go play our guests something on the piano." I argued, "Aw, Mom. Do I hafta?" I started drawing imaginary circles with my foot tracing lines on the floor and twisting side to side. I remember being in a dress with my saddle oxfords on and my hair in ponytails which were undoubtedly falling down by then. Even still, my mom insisted. I protested one last time, "But Mom, I can't play the piano!" She stretched out her arm and pointed toward the piano, "Then you march right in there and SHOW them you can't play!"

I certainly understood this little girl's feelings. I had had many art lessons in my younger day, and excelled only at stick figure drawings after years of lessons. However, every child was expected to display a poster. I whispered in her ear, "Then think outside the box and write a message, but have the letters blazing on fire with smoke." After a hug of encouragement, she was off to give it a try.

Sometimes it just takes someone insisting you give it a try to reveal your true talent

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